
Hello.  My name is  Rory and I am a tuxedo short haired male cat, aged 9 1/2 years.  I have a fraternal twin named CeeCee, also a short hair tuxedo.  Two days ago I had my left forepaw amputated due to a very aggressive, but apparently localized, “extramedullary plasmocytoma”.  I’ll provide some of my backfill in subsequent posts.  Mom didn’t want to start this blog until she knew I’d be around to help her!

Mom, a kind and wonderful (ahem, she MADE me say that!) woman named Diann, is typing this up for me, since even when I was fourpawd, I never really could handle keyboards.

I just got  home today.  CeeCee got dropped off for boarding for 2-4 days so I can have some peace.  We do love each other but she likes to start things, especially when I’m doing the Elizabethian Collar thing.

Rory in 2013.
Rory in 2013.

Give Mom a little time and she’ll find a cuddly photo of me with my twin, pre-surgery.  Can I admit she’s rather disorganized?

Mom actually took a photo of my tumor on January 29th.  It was much worse by Feb 6th, the date I was taken in to those obnoxious vet people.  Although this time when Mom relinquished me, I was so used to them vet folk that I wasn’t trembling.

Grew faster than grass...
Grew faster than grass…  That’s an ulcer at the bottom.  No, not Mom’s fingers.

More later.  Backfill and fore(paw) fill later.  I will say there were lots of major concerns, and several choices before this happened.  Right now though, Mom and I need some quality time…