Mom set me down on this nice new very soft bed yesterday, and I haven’t gone far afield since. Just too much bother to try to walk, plus I’m feeling awfully subdued. My bed is in the hallway, right outside of the bathroom. I get my own bowl of water on my nightstand. Er, nightfloor.
No, I didn’t sleep with Mom last night — if I decided to go wandering, her bed is higher up than average, and I’d probably fall and hurt myself. I’m still in early stages of healing, after all.
I didn’t want the chicken she offered me — to tell you the truth, I prefer cat food to human food. My kibble is just fine, thank you.
Oh, here’s my spiffy new litter pan! She’s put litter on it, of course, and put it in our shared bathroom. I’ll use it until I get the hang of having one less leg.
Mom’s going to Work from Home today. The snow (she says) is a mess and still coming down, even if not deep, and she figures a day with me might do me good anyway.